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The whole reason I designed this course was to help my guitar & songwriting students:

  • overcome the stress/shame and anxiety around the guitar neck and important fundamentals
  • stop guessing & start immediately thinking like playing like a pro
  • finally learn, understand and memorize the guitar neck
  • introduce them to basic, functional music theory…that can be implemented immediately. No more confusing lessons or gimmicks! You need to know this stuff!
  • begin to learn the basics of tonal centers/keys, and the 1 4 5 chords in each one
  • be able to play across the neck, in multiple positions, with confidence
  • quickly and easily have the skill to play along with others, whether in a band, at a party, at a rehearsal, in a songwriting session or a recording…in real time!
  • learn to figure out songs by ear, using different positions and chords on the guitar neck
  • to understand and implement the capo in any situation…without guessing! Hope is not a plan! You need to know this stuff! Hint: If someone has a capo somewhere on the guitar neck, you will need to assess what key they are in, what the progression is and what your options are to contribute a good part and play along
  • improve counting, time signature identification, strum patterns options and rhythm guitar playing
  • learn to read, and write, a basic Nashville Number Chart
  • learn to function as a musician and guitarist, and play interesting and complimentary parts…not just duplicate what the other player is doing!

Why does this approach work?

Because it is a real world approach that puts you immediately in the music, with intention & purpose. The information takes what skill and knowledge you have and builds upon it. Every guitarist, and songwriter, has the same issues. There are blind spots in our learning, understanding and skills that affect our confidence on the instrument. Feeling like a fraud, or just faking it and hoping it all works out, will not alleviate our stressors and lack of confidence. In fact, it makes it all wore.

The CAGED System is a wonderful way to organize and understand the guitar neck, whether you are a rhythm player or lead player! But too often, songwriters think all of this is too complicated, and they avoid it, or shut down. Rhythm guitar players have usually cobbled together some bits and pieces of skills and playing, but feel intimidated or embarrassed about not really knowing how to fall in and play with others. And lead players often play by patterns, falling into ruts and predictable moves. Also, lead players think they are better rhythm players than they are. When asked to play along with a track, offering up multiple parts that help build the track or song, most fall apart pretty quickly.

So, what do you get with this course?

  • 30 lessons, with PDFs, each PDF containing 4 video lessons/exercises each!
  • Diagrams and exercises that help you learn and understand the content. You will understand capo & barre chord fingers
  • Video demonstrations and explanations by me. You will get to play along with me and I will show you how to implement the information
  • I will also show you important techniques and options that will make you sound and play better right away!