Learning the Guitar Neck: Power Chords, pt.1


For Songwriters & Guitarists

Have you been trying to learn and memorize the guitar neck, but nothing sticks? Well, it’s because you haven’t been shown how to apply the information. Just trying to memorize the fretboard isn’t going to work. This is true for learning music theory as well.

What you get in this guitar course:

  • 40 exercises and 40 PDFs I created just for this course
  • 10 video lessons, containing 4 exercises for each video. I play each exercises 2 times, with 2 different rhythms
  • A breakdown and explanation for everything I am playing
  • Insights & techniques you will need to improve your playing and how to approach your practice & performance
  • A guitar neck diagram for you to reference for all exercises & lessons. The diagram has all of the fret names provided for the 6th, 5th & 4 strings.  

Click to learn more about this course.